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Thread: Politics and Porn

  1. #1

    Politics and Porn

    Now let me start off by saying I admire webmasters who've put up political messages on their sites or have used their sites as a way to promote what definitely is a worthwhile message.

    There's no election like this one when it comes to the well being of this industry and civil liberties on the whole. So it's definitely a worthy cause to be politically active, and since many of us have websites that reach a great many individuals, using that reach to spread worthwhile political messages can indeed be good.

    I've debated doing this myself on a couple sites I run. Putting up banners and links to donate to political parties or register to vote and what not. But then I just kinda figured "Do porn surfers wanna be preached to?" Or what if some of my most faithful surfers are closet Republicans/Bush supporters? If they're showing up looking to pop a load, is throwin' politics at em the best idea? There's a time and place for everything, so to speak.

    So I decided against it.

    What are your thoughts on the matter?

  2. #2
    I figure if you've got Republicans who like porn, you're completely in your right to point out that they can have their war on terrorism or their porn, but they can't have both.

    if you're possibly going to go out of business because of the changes to the laws being made, you should have the right and obligation to tell your customers that you're being attacked.

    If they want to support you, great, and if they don't, they've at least had it explained to them why certain parts of your site, if not the whole thing, are being removed.

  3. #3
    We changed our headers up on our site last week and will keep them that way through the election. We decided to have a bit of fun with it, but to also make it known who we were behind.

    We also added the America Coming Together election countdown on random pages throughout the site. You can see an example here:

    The code is extremly simple to add to sites and can be found here:

    Overall, we felt that if we could help change the mind of even one undecided voter then it was worth while. Almost every newspaper in the country including the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Chicago Tribune all endorse candidates so why not a porn site

  4. #4
    hrmm that counter is kinda cool. and nonpartisan. i may put that on my site

  5. #5
    Gay Marriage - It's our Pearl Harbor.
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    We have a political forum on our site and I've been shocked at the number of right wing gay men that participate. It indicates to me, at least anecdotally, that there is much more gay support for GWB than I imagined, although probably outside of the gay population centers.

    Anyway, I don't think political ads on porn sites will change many minds, but it makes me feel better having it there.

  6. #6
    well... the clock itself is nonpartisan haha.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by JustJohn
    We have a political forum on our site and I've been shocked at the number of right wing gay men that participate. It indicates to me, at least anecdotally, that there is much more gay support for GWB than I imagined, although probably outside of the gay population centers.

    Anyway, I don't think political ads on porn sites will change many minds, but it makes me feel better having it there.
    yeah I've noticed that. And some of them are quite rabid in their support for him. LOL @ your avatar, btw.

  8. #8
    Hey all,

    I'm a Canadian an I'm pumping the ChiChi Cock or Bush banners on a couple of my sites. This election affects me perhaps just as much because of your current administration's stand on foreign policy.

    I don't care if porn surfers don't want to be preached to. Generally speaking, Americans are lazy voters and a huge portion of your population doesn't vote. In fact I was speaking to someone the other day that said neither he nor his partner were likely to vote. I was appalled.

    The way the U.S. prattles on about democracy and freedom for all, I think it's an absolute sin that every American isn't standing in line to either vote for the candidate of their choice or to spoil their ballot.

    What on earth have millions of your countrymen died for?

    I don't care who you vote for in this election just so long as you vote.


  9. #9
    Well, Being an American/Canadian dual citizen has meant that I've had to vote quite a bit over the last few years...

    Provincial, Federal, municipal and now Presidential elections.

    I've voted in them all.

    I just mailed my absentee ballot to New Mexico, in fact, and I've gone way out of my way to help American citizens living outside the US to register.

    There was a poll done that estimated that out of the 7 Million eligible voters who live outside the US, 78% of them supported John Kerry.

    So, obviously, it was important to get those people registered.

  10. #10
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    I pretty much agree with what Michael said, especially not caring who you vote for.. as long as you do vote.



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