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Thread: And Just How Much of a Slut Are You?? TEST INSIDE

  1. #1

    And Just How Much of a Slut Are You?? TEST INSIDE

  2. #2
    I'm 58% slutty. But that test was very hetero-centric. Everone knows that the average gay man has many more sex partners/encounters than any straight man... and I only had random sex for 2 or 3 years as a gay man. I'm probably considered a prude by gay standards.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Your above score was normalized against the average, so don't even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 56% Slutty.

    Thats gotta be wrong.. im way sluttier than that LOL



  4. #4
    Well I tested 86% slut whatever that means. I can not believe I actually took this silly online poll. I decided to give it a try because Mr. Xstr8guy did too.

    This poll is very skewed for str8 women in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with targeted that audience of course. The poll is a fun idea but it simply does not work well to apply a broad brush approach to the rest of the population. Sexual mores across our various cultures are far more diverse than what that poll attempts to acknowledge.

    Niche marketing successes are examples of how rich and diverse sexual desires, fantasies and practices truly are in our adult world today.

    By the way Mr. Xstr8guy, you are not 42% prude! And you are very sexy too.

  5. #5
    Chris Alan
    The Results ARE IN! You are:76% Slut


  6. #6
    Corey Bryant
    Hm I got 88%. But I lost count.. Did you know that one question was even screw up:
    And how many people have you had sex with?
    Seems you could only put three digits in that one.

  7. #7
    Hey Corey: I'm impressed with your 88% score! And yes, I noticed that field only allowed up to three digits in the quantity of sex partners. How amusing!

  8. #8
    Corey Bryant
    Well it did help on that number anyway!

  9. #9
    So Corey, did you only type in 999 partners? :devious:

  10. #10
    Corey Bryant
    I guess you could say on that one I am busted.

  11. #11
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    You are:


    Your above score was normalized against the average, so don't even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 60% Slutty.

    yay i got off pretty ssslimm m m m

  12. #12
    thats weird that all of you got percentages... mine came back saying, "hey, you must know Don Ounique"

  13. #13
    Originally posted by willwest
    Well I tested 86% slut whatever that means. I can not believe I actually took this silly online poll. I decided to give it a try because Mr. Xstr8guy did too.
    I actually beat Will West by 1% point. I'm at 87%.

    OK.. that deserves a case of beer on me when we finally get to meet each other, dude.

    But I agree with you totally, it was very heterocentric. They said "if you're gay, you can subsitute boyfriend or whatever", but as we've pointed out, "gay" isn't the same as "Straight" with guys subsituted for women.

    And I'm not a slut. I'm a stud. So There.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by willwest
    Hey Corey: I'm impressed with your 88% score! And yes, I noticed that field only allowed up to three digits in the quantity of sex partners. How amusing!
    Yeah, i almost put in that I'd only had 120 partners.

    But then.. what exactly is a "Partner".. I mean.. say a guy blows me on the dance floor at the Leather Prty I went to on Saturday. Does that make him a partner? Am I his, but he's not mine?

    OK.. how about the guys at a circle jerk? Just the guy next to you that you jack off, or the whole team?

    I'm so confused.

  15. #15
    Ok, so Jasun is a "stud" and not a slut. I accept that.

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