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Thread: Over-used content

  1. #1

    Over-used content

    Hey guys,

    Here's a discussion post that should help us over the top.

    In another thread that I'm hoping will drop like a heavy stone in the pond :honest: Robin said: "As for the over-used content prob -- I cry and/or hit myself every time I buy a set of photos. Turns out the cute or interesting guys/pics are old/over used. I'm looking into ways that I can do something about that."

    If you can't shoot it yourself, what do you do to keep your sites fresh? To make them different from everyone elses?

    And how do you know content is already "over-used"?


  2. #2
    Michael, I didn't mean for that other post to be reflective of MANcheck. All AVS's are victims of sites like that. MANcheck does a better job than most weeding out the crap, but sometimes things slip through the cracks.

  3. #3
    Here are some tips for avoiding over-used content...

    When shopping for content, sort by date. If it's over 2 years old, buy it, but use it as filler content. Don't build sites/galleries prominently featuring that model.

    Surf AVS's occasionally. For example, if you have a "bear" photoset, search for "bear" sites on an AVS. If you see that particular set featured MANY times... avoid it like the plague.

    Don't buy ultra-cheap content... if you do, use it as filler content only. The chances are... it's cheap for a reason.

  4. #4
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    I know, at least for myself, what overused content is - something I've seen all over the internet like those cheap cheap sets from Ounique or the pixmasters pics. That to me is overused content.

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    See now i have a different view on overused content than most and i do still think it has its place in paysites as more than just filler content.

    For example, taking the example of the image posted in the other thread..

    That could be used for some niches that perhaps it hasnt already been associated with for example, men in lycra, using 'stale' content in this manner will actually work out better for wbmasters than having o go and find 'gay lycra' content and, because the niche is so under-developed, the chances of anyone searching for guys wearing lycra having seen that imag in use before, are slim.

    Basically, when you think content is becoming stale, turn that around to your advantage and market the 'spin' factor out of the set



  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Oh also..

    Dont forget that although we, as webmasters, know the content is stale and oversaturated, there are still new surfers hitting the 'adult web' everyday and, the first time that they see the content, it isnt 'old' to them

    As i say, there is definately a place in todays market for the content that 'we' think of as stale, its just a matter of how well we deploy those uses on ou sites



  7. #7
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    yeah i think a lot like a webmaster very often.

    but i also surf porn.

    and i absolutely do not like the old content no matter how hot it is. if i go into a site and see something i've seen before, esp old old photos i back out

  8. #8
    Originally posted by jIgG
    yeah i think a lot like a webmaster very often.

    but i also surf porn.

    and i absolutely do not like the old content no matter how hot it is. if i go into a site and see something i've seen before, esp old old photos i back out
    ME TOO! That's why I like to surf sites with real amateurs (borrowed pics)... it's too bad I can't risk making them anymore

  9. #9
    Gee, I better hang in there and find some new fresh meat for you guys to devour.

  10. #10
    Will, some of those older HDK/Ouninque sets with you in them are starting to get over-used... like the set that your avatar is from. (I'm just kidding! You know I love you!)

    Btw, when are we gonna see some new WWG sets? I can't wait to see some of that hot fresh meat that you find!

  11. #11
    Eeeegads! Who me overexposed? Well I never...

  12. #12
    Well with your encouragement, I will put my recruiter hat back on again. I gave producing content a break during the past few months because I got fed up with so many no shows and tweaker model wanna bes.

  13. #13
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    i am the worst customer out there to get selled or any porn site could have

    i have cable and swoosh around the members real fast area and generally only like certain type of guys which means if there's 100 dudes, I'll only get turned on by 20, and if I see them a few times I get bored.

    i can browse the whole members area in one sitting.

    I dont like the live shows much, and tottaly dislike streaming videos. Never watch these. Downloadable movies only.

    Plugins don't sell me at all unless it's the Squirt one.

    Oh and if the pics aren't at least 640x480 or better me no like, since im on a big monitor resolution and everything looks tiny.

    The cookie cutter sites with Ounique's (or any other)content that's been used jizz-ilions other times have 0 chance of getting me to buy anything, even a cheap trial.

    I have bough passes to Bedfellow, Badpuppy, Big Cock Society (hella slow and tiny pics) circlejerk boys and randyblue. Ummm who else, Latin Guyz and someone else I omit, but these are the ones I liked.

    picky picky :baby: :angel:

  14. #14
    Oh Will... I would love to see Rusty White some more! And get Nick Cannon out of semi-retirement while you're at it. Btw, what are Jeff Allen and Robert Black doing lately? I love those guys!

  15. #15
    Yes, please shoot some more stuff. I hang on Ounique waiting for a PM update. He's about the only one out there that shoots the kind of men I need.

    If I had a spare minute, I'd learn to do it myself.


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