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Thread: Merry Christmas ?

  1. #1
    Corey Bryant

    Merry Christmas ?

    Just curious - how many of y'all actually say this? I had someone say it to me on a forum & it just struck me as weird - even though hearing it all the time growing up in Texas.

    I sure you have heard of another group in California starting:

    And if you do not say it - any reason, like not to offend, etc? And what do you say - Season Greetings, Happy Holidays?

    Personally, just because of the great mix of clients, I usually do not say anything unless that say something first

  2. #2
    "The festive atmosphere of the past that surrounded the Christmas season in department stores which energized shoppers, supported their culture and tradition, and excited them to select just the right gift for friends and family for the Christmas celebration has been severely diminished. For many, the atmosphere has become offensive and devoid of any meaning."


    Without incessant, irritating christmas music blaring from every speaker, corner and potted plant, I can't spend more money than I have on things my family and friends don't want or need!!!

    We have to BOYCOTT Stores that don't force their employees to say "Merry Christmas You Christian Soldier" every 3 and a half minutes!!!


    There are some people who really need to get some better hobbies.

    Stores didn't stop saying "Merry Christmas" because it was "offensive" but to be more inclusive... There are people who celebrate different holidays in December like Chanuka (I never could spell that), Kwanza and... well.... I know there's more, but I dont' know what they are. There are those of us who avoid Christmas altogether because it's so irritating to hear Christmas music and Chsitmas wishes and all that crap for two months before it actually hits the ground. You can still have a Merry Christmas if the guy behind the drug counter at Walmart doesn't say "Merry Christmas" to you.

    You can also have a nice day if the guy at the Gas Station doesn't say "Have a Nice Day".


  3. #3
    I usually say (If I say anything at all) "Happy Holidays"
    Kinda covers it all....

    I'm not a big XMas fan anyway...other holidays seem less stressful and yet, more fullfilling.

    These days though, it seems it's all came way too fast!

  4. #4
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    I think the holidays are great. Though I'm not Christian, I celebrate Christmas because, to me, it's a time of giving, feeling good, etc. My little boy and I have been out shopping the last couple weeks and he says Merry Christmas to the cashiers ( I don't ). When he says Merry Christmas to them their eyes light up and they say "thank you" etc etc.

    Australia doesn't feel like Christmas at all. It hasn't the last 3 Christmases I've been here. They put Christmas stuff up on November 1st, and it's the week before Christmas and 80 degrees here. Strange having a Christmas tree up in the middle of summer.

    I remember when I was a kid Christmas wasn't about religion as much as it was about being kind, getting stuff and buying stuff for other people you care about. Never on Christmas day did I think about Jesus and religion.

    What is America? Just a constitution? No traditions? How can we be unique if we have no cultural identity? Even communist atheist countries have a cultural identity.
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    I say it LOL

    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year is usually what i tell people LOL



  6. #6
    I say Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?'s Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    I just saw Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year. I think that pretty much covers everyone.

    * - If you can't convert us you better look for a new job!

  8. #8
    Get out of my way, is what I usually say. I'm kidding. I usually say "Have a good holiday."

    But largely, I just try to avoid the whole thing as much as possible.

    This year, for the first time, Ted and I are staying home. We've decided to invite some friends who are alone over for dinner. It'll be a nice break from all of the chaotic family stuff.


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