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Thread: Which AVS?

  1. #1

    Which AVS?

    Ok, this might be sort of follow up to my previous thread regarding Gay AVS/AEN systems future....

    However I've decided (two weeks ago) to go with Global Male Pass, and I have to say it's quite scary ride as website approvals take forever... and there's quite a lack of several things and ofcourse it's just so wide spreaded that I really have no idea if I can "Make it big"... (sales I've already made...)

    Does anyone have any other suggestion if there's any other AVS service, that's not so populated or maybe new/upcoming?

    I'd go with Mancheck, but there are so many password out there for FREE that you can find on various sites/boards, the same goes for **** (not platinum) and GayPassport....

    Altough I know two weeks don't say much, I'm pretty sure that Global Male Pass is not exactly right for me...


  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    ManCheck or ManSites would be the best options IMHO.

    At least you know their support reps are easily accessible via GWW and they are willing to help their affiliates



  3. #3
    I can't say enough about Mansites. They will bend over backwards for you.

  4. #4
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    western canada
    Have to agree with Lee on his recommendations. I am not too familiar these days with mansites so can't comment but Mancheck has great people who do go that extra mile for you...

    I'd also suggest that if you are looking to just make it on the ID sales, that is being bit short sighted. I'd angle for the upsell option by utilizing the large db these AVS/AEN's offer...

    just my opinion
    Webmasters: Add Custom Stories To Your Sites Custom Gay Stories

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  5. #5
    I recommend only AVS's that allow you to upsell to a Plus/Platinum program. GMP and Mansites do not have that option. Regardless of the password sharing problem, I have the best results with U*G*A*S and MANcheck. Besides, if surfers are going through the trouble of obtaining passwords... they aren't EVER going to pay to join ANY site.

  6. #6

    We have spoke once...................


    We were talking online the other day, and our conversation got cut short. I sent you another message to chat with me when you came back, but I never heard from you again. I would like the chance to work with you and see if we can come up with a win - win solution for doing business together.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions that I haven't answered at this point. We also have another program coming out that I think we spoke about briefly. Shoot me an Email or IM me at the following if you have any other questions.
    ICQ - 175991098
    Yahoo - sxkey_dwayne
    AOL IM - sexkeydwayne

  7. #7
    I exactly don't know what to do with a service that doesn't even have a simple tour for new members.... ? Talking about GMP ofcourse... Why oh why...

    Yes I'm considering all what you guys told me so far....

    Thx again

  8. #8
    "approvals taking forever ..." that really bites. MANcheck's approvers take care of stuff the same day it's submitted, unless it's too close to quitting time, in which case it's taken care of the following day.

    MANcheck is positioned third, I think, so there's lots of room for webmasters to sell memberships. And as Lee mentioned, I practically have a room up beside the GWWMail button, so support is never far away.

    And as far as the availability of passwords on boards, let me know where to look, I'll happily shut them down.

    If there's anything I can do for you, let me know.


  9. #9

    Re: Which AVS?

    Originally posted by dalimili
    . . . if there's any other AVS service, that's not so populated or maybe new/upcoming? . . .
    If you're looking for new/upcoming; give Gay AVS a try. Both I Men and Rainbow Passport have premium programs.

    For a look at the range of AVS/AEN services available for the Gay market, check our Directory. Sites listed are either Gay-exclusive or have major Gay site participation.

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