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Thread: How Do You Deal With Not Being Able To Sleep?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    How Do You Deal With Not Being Able To Sleep?

    The last few days ive not been able to sleep properly and its begining to bug the hell out of me

    For instance, this evening i went to bed around midnight and three hours later, im wide awake again

    Usually when my head hits the pillow im out like a light but just recently it seems that im staying up later and later and its becoming ocunter productive.

    Anyone have any tips for actually getting a good nights sleep that doesnt involve sleeping pills?



  2. #2
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    Hmm, warm cup of milk with honey before snooze time, watch something light and entertaining but not news, horror, or anything with drama.. (no I ain't saying a word here.. but damn thats hard to do j/k)

    Soak in a hot tub with candles and nice glass of wine is another way.

    reading... (need any good gay books? j/k)

    personally, I take a walk outside, then come in & watch some fluff comedy or read a book while listening to some classical music instead of the loud stuff.

    hate sleeping pills.

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  3. #3
    AusCoding Allan
    Well I can't say I currently have that problem, I come home from work exhausted, sleep for about two or three hours, get up and do another few hours and then go back to bed in time to have 7 or 8 hours before I do it all again.

    Although when I'm all worked up I do find a warm cup of decaf tea helps me nod off along with a reasonable book (not too good or I'm up all night reading it)



  4. #4
    Brandy works for me hehe

  5. #5
    Ah, finally an area where I am a true expert!


    And if that doesn't work, add a glass of red wine to that

  6. #6
    I noticed that if I move away from the computer an hour or two before bed, I'm more able to fall asleep faster. Try spending a couple of hours before bed with Gary, just chilling and talking, it caps off the day nicely and gets you calmed down and ready for sleep.

    I generally don't have a problem. Normally, my head hits the pillow and I'm out. If I'm not asleep in ten minutes, I've got insomnia. I don't fight it. I just get up and putter at something until I'm more tired.

    Try and stop drinking coffee and regular tea 4-6 hours before bed, depending on your sensitivity to it.

    Also, try setting your alarm and making sure you're up by a certain time. And if you're not used to a specific time, it might be hard at first. But if you started setting your alarm and getting up a 9 a.m., let's say, whether you went to bed at 3 a.m. last night or not, then your body will also start to adjust. Then you can push the time back an hour at a time.

    And exercise is probably one of the best things you can do to help you sleep. I used to be able to survive on 6 hours sleep, but since hiring a trainer and working with weights, my body craves – demands – 8 hours.


  7. #7
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    i used to be an insomnia professional. the most important thing i learned is not to worry about it. you can live on less sleep, but you can't sleep well when you're worrying.

    before you go to bed, do you do something to try and fully take your mind off work? something that really involves your mind, even if it's lame? read a book - i find that is better than a magazine, because narrative is more involving than short articles. or watch something cheesy like reruns of wonder woman till you find that you are not thinking "should i change that upsell in the member area?"

    and keep a pad of paper and a pen with you by your bed. if you suddenly think "i hope i remember to contact that host and change our billing", write it down. always be sure to read what you've written the next day - if you don't, writing it has no real value.

    if i wake up too soon, i read or play a video game till i'm relaxed, then i go back to sleep. not a video game like vice city, but something more like tetris.

    and last was something my doctor suggested. if you find you feel nervous, jump on the treadmill or pace. don't run - just do a rather fast walk for a while. burn off your extra energy without making it a workout. working out will keep you from sleeping, so take it easy.

    good luck!

  8. #8
    The Prince of Dorkness Jasun's Avatar
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    I slept horribly until I started working out.

    Now I sleep like a littlelog.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by basschick
    working out will keep you from sleeping, so take it easy.
    Yes, basschick's absolutely right. Sorry I wasn't more clear. I wasn't suggesting you pump iron just before bed, but rather, building exercise into your daily routine will accomplish two things: it'll give you more energy during your day, and it'll help you sleep better at night. I think experts say you shouldn't work out 3-4 hours or more before bed.


  10. #10
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Dzinerbear - just so you know, i wasn't commenting on your post. i didn't see it till after i hit the submit button.

    btw, i know lots of people who work out too hard for their current fitness level. they don't sleep well, either. overtraining can cause you to sleep poorly just as much as not working out. moderation - it's hard to achieve, but it works.

  11. #11
    Platinum Doug
    Ambien? Never tried it . . . I use generic gravol. It just takes the edge off enough, but usually leaves me drowsy in the morning!

  12. #12
    Lara M
    I second the exercise advice, you need to stop thinking about work and give your body a good workout. Try not to eat a lot before going to bed because you will have nightmares and you might wake up in the middle of the night.

  13. #13
    Corey Bryant
    I am in the same boat at times. Ambien does work wonders and sometimes just a sleeping pill.

    True - in the beginning with the pills, my mouth was dry etc but after a few times - that goes away. I have yet to decide it that isa good thing or a bad thing :notsure:

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Platinum Doug
    Ambien? Never tried it . . . I use generic gravol. It just takes the edge off enough, but usually leaves me drowsy in the morning!
    With Ambien, there is no "hangover" the next morning... you will literally SPRING out of bed the next morning (or afternoon in Lee's case ). You just have to be able to invest a minimum of 7 hours of sleeping.

  15. #15
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
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    a nice merlot normally does it for me. :specs:
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