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Thread: .htaccess Question

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    I Wonder? .htaccess Question

    Stupid question.. perhaps someone will know the answer

    With .htaccess is it possible to have a regular login ( user/pass ) on a HTML page like a stats login for an affiliate program and I can put the .htaccess info into those fields instead of using the standard grey pop-up box?

    Does that make sense?



  2. #2
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Lee, I have not responded earlier hoping that someone else would be able to provide you with a solution...but I really do not know of any way to do this. Have you considered using some other sort of password protection, like a java script?


  3. #3
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    San Francisco
    There is a product that we bought called Investment Guard ( that I think does what you're looking to do.

    The way it works is by replacing the normal Basic HTTP Authentication with an Apache handler that essentially calls a different authentication module. The login page is an HTML page and, depending on how "tight" you want to be, it can have a number of different functions and restrictions.

    It also effectively prevents password sharing, bandwidth hogs, image hotlinking, people who use "site suckers" to download your entire site, and other leech-types.

    Only catch is you probably need to be on a dedicated server because it requires some Apache modules that aren't always installed in a standard Linux installation, and in our case, it required some pretty heavy tweaking to get it working. But it is a really cool script. (We have no financial benefit in the product, we just think it's a great product.)

    I think it was like $100 installed or something... don't remember the exact details... but Michael, who wrote it, is a sharp guy that, as far as I can tell, really knows his shit.

    Not sure that's exactly what you were looking for, but perhaps it's a place to start

  4. #4
    I just found a script like this after doing a search for it on yahoo...
    it requires php ... you have the user and pass form pass through to the login.php page.. which then sends the user and pass to redirect.html in your members area which strips the user and pass from the link so when the user is redirected (quickly) to the index page of your members area they just see instead of the http://user:pass:yourdomainname

    If you would like the script or more info let me know!

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