Is it just me or do you find today's porn movies awfully boring? I admit that I don't watch a lot of porn movies for enjoyment anymore... it's just content to me now.

Today I just received a DVD rip from DeluxePass of an old Joe Gage film "Closed Set" from the early 80's. The concept is simple... throw 8, 10, 12 guys onto a set and tell them to get naked and nasty and try to catch as much of the action on film that you can. It's the same concept as Titan's Manplay series with one huge difference... it's actually very hot. Sure the photography is grainy and the lighting is awful but the action is spontaneous and unrehearsed.

Today's porn movies seem so cold and stiff (and not in a good way). You can almost hear the director yell, "Ok, now spit on his cock", "Lick your cum off of his ass". Every move is expected, nothing surprises you.

Another thing that bores the hell out of me is the length of the scenes. I don't want to have to wait 15 minutes before someone gets their dick sucked. GET TO THE ACTION! I mean, would the world come to an end if a scene started with 2 guys stripping naked and fucking right away? It sure would be nice if they could mix up the action a bit and cut the fat out of the scenes.

When I want to jack-off, I'll often put a brand-spankin' new Titan DVD in. Imo, they have the hottest guys in the business and the best videographers, directors, lighting, production values, etc. Within in 15 minutes, I've lost my hard-on and I'm reaching for "Kansas City Trucking Company" or an old Colt compilation to get the job done.

The old films always leave me wanting more. Because the scenes are generally so short, I often have to replay a scene more than once. The guys seem to be more natural and masculine... hair is everwhere that nature intended. Even the smooth guys are sexy (for those of you that know my reputation, that was especially hard for me to admit). And nevermind the cocks and cumshots! Both appear to be bigger and better. Big swinging dicks shooting and dripping cum seem to fill every corner of your screen. AHHHH!

If porn movies were scratch-and-sniff, the old movies would smell like Crisco, sweat, poppers, cum and maybe a little marijuana... today's movies would smell like silicone lube, hair gel, latex, crystal meth, Right Guard Sport and Viagra... and god forbid, cologne.

Ah, maybe I'm just an old fogey. But I hope and wish for a return to simplicity where men act like the animals that they are. I'm so sick of gym bunnies with that stupid pointy hair style, the shiny tight shirt and the puca shell necklace. Go to any nude beach and the only people that keep their clothes on are these uptight queens. Maybe they have nasty razor burn from shaving their entire crotch or shrunken balls from absuing steroids. Who knows why they are so uptight.

Sorry to pick on Titan again but the big guys always make the easiest targets.