Ok, how dependent are we on electricity? TOTALLY.

A little thunderstorm blows through and kills the power for 8 hours yesterday. I never realized how life revolves around electricity.

No Lights
No Air Conditioning
No fans
No Cable
No Internet
No Phone (just upgraded to digital phone through the cable company)
No Computer
No Microwave
No Stove (electrical ignition for the burners)
No Stereo
No ice and water through the door on the fridge

Of course its raining too, so the dogs are going stir crazy, they can't go outside, the other half is pacing because he can't call the electric company to bitch. The dogs are pacing because its just so damned quiet, they are feeling the heat, panting like crazy. Its stifling hot with humidity like the amazon rain forest. As time goes on, tempers flare, one bitches at the other for the silliest things, like opening the fridge and letting the cold out. Its too hot to take a nap, there is no breeze to at least blow the humid air around.

At least the water works, so a cool shower to rinse the sweat off is a little relief. Evening turns to night, darkness swallows up everything. Using flashlights to search for those 4 year old red and green Christmas candles that never got used. We tried playing cards by candle light, but the other half got too pissed that it was hot and he was losing. Went through a half a pack of smokes, going out to the front porch, watching the rain and looking off across the valley seeing all the people with power, lucky bastards.

Eventually the power returns. Life returns to normal, and that temporary trip through hell is forgotten as I drift off to sleep in air conditioned coolness and a house abuzz with whirs and beeps and hums.

Note to self: Buy new red and green candles for Christmas this year.