SINGAPORE -- Border agents arrested a Malaysian man who tried to smuggle suspected pornographic video disks in his underwear into Singapore, the government said.

Officers did a full-body search of the man after he was allegedly caught with contraband cigarettes at a border crossing with Malaysia, the Immigrations and Customs Authority said on its Web site Wednesday.

While frisking the man, police found two video CDs and two DVDs lodged between his buttocks, the authority's Web site said. The Web site described the videos as "suspected to be uncensored and obscene."

Immigration authorities handed over the suspected drugs to the Central Narcotics Bureau while the disks were referred to police for further investigation.

Singapore bans the sale and possession of pornography. Importing pornography carries a one-year prison sentence upon conviction for a first offense. Possession of pornography carries a six-month prison sentence upon conviction for a first offense.

It is not immediately clear when the man would be charged.


Wow 1 1/2 years in prison for porn. What do you guys think of this? Do you feel lucky to live in the USA or what? :high: