I had a client contact me tonight and directed me to a website that had some very young looking nude models--so young they didn't even have pubic hair. The client wanted it reported to the ASCAP http://www.asacp.org/index.php but was not ready to put his name on the report. The ASCAP does take anonymous reports, but it was my experience as a prosecutor that reports from someone willing to give their name were taken more seriously. I submitted a report to the ASCAP and even left my phone number--I have had death threats from very seriously pissed off very bad people I had to send to prison so earning the wrath of an unscrupulous webmaster that puts that shit up is not enough to scare me.

If you ever see something that looks like child pornography but you don't want your name on the report, contact me through www.chadknowslaw.com or cbelville@azbar.org and I will be more than happy to submit a report and put my name to it.

The only thing worse than child porn is child porn that goes unreported.