As of lately, when i'm not working on my music, I've been working on a gay SF novel. I was just wondering, do you guys think there is a market for that? I know Christopher Rice has done well with his gay mystery and horror novels, but he also has a built in name. Believe me, I'm not saying I match his talent, and I'm also in a different, more harshly judged and nitpicked genre.

It's about a young guy named Halo who falls for an older mega-rich business mogul who happens to own an interstellar spaceship. The mogul convinces him to check out a somewhat local uninhabited Class G (Earth-like heh) planet with him, and surprise they end up stranded on it.

I'm really enjoying writing it, so it dosn't matter to me if it's successful, but I'm still curious. My absolute favorite part of the story so far is Halo's interactions with the ship's resident AI, who has inherited the mogul's love for Judy Garland and is prone to breaking out in holodrag at any given moment.

I know it sounds awful, but do you guys think there is a market for gay SF?