Just got this email which i thought was quite funny...

Please take the time to read and review my email below.

Please post and circulate if you feel the desire to as many webmasters and website owners as my intentions are indicated below:

My Sincerest Apologies

After a time with iBill (and now no longer there for differences of opinions) I have come to realize something that I should have come to grips with earlier in my carreer with them. That no matter how hard you work for a company, embrace its values (in this case there are non), and hold on to the very fabric of what you feel is right (I was dead wrong), I was expendable.

Although I can not reveal myself to anyone directly in this letter, I am positive there are those out there that know who I am, I am writing this letter to apologize for my naivety, self assuredness in a failed company, and all of the bridges that I have burned along the way.

I know how all of the clients (mostly former) of iBill feel. After servitude of defense on the behalf of iBill and believing all of the lies that I was told, I begged and pleaded with anyone that I spoke with that iBill is the leader in online transaction processing. I was a fool. I am very, very, very, sorry that I believed all of the lies that iBill fed to me in the form of a feeding bag with the strap tightened so tight around my neck (the strap being their veiled assurances).

I feel terrible that even towards the end of my carreer with iBill and the millions of dollars that they owe their clients that they felt the need to put together “settlements” that basically strong armed and blackmailed any client that was owed money in to a guarantee to place iBill on their websites again to continue receiving monies that were owed to them anyway.

Now after my separation, I know exactly how any iBill client that is owed money feels, for, they now owe me money that they are refusing to pay in a fair and equitable way.

They can change their ticker symbols and post to the boards terrible thoughts about other separated iBill employees. The fact of the matter remains no matter who owns iBill and feels that they can “turn things” around. It will never happen. iBill is a doomed company no matter who will float them money. What a sorry existence.

Well, I got off the beaten path. My whole thought when writing this was to apologize to all of those clients and former clients that I tried to hold on to in the name of iBill, I was wrong, and I sincerely hope that you will accept my apology.


No matter how many people on the various boards told these people the exact same thing that this person just mailed out, they chose not to beleive it.

Guess they found out the hard way in the end [shrug]

