CHILD MODELING WEB SITE BAN -- (House of Representatives - March 10, 2005)

(Mr. FOLEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I want to bring to your attention an underground industry preying on our children, and that is exploitive child modeling Web sites. These Web sites contain images of young girls as young as 4 years of age wearing only their underwear, tiny bathing suits or other suggestive clothing, posing in sexually provocative ways. In most cases, these Web sites are nothing more than child pornography hiding under the guise of child modeling. These Web sites do not sell products, they do not sell services, and they serve our young people on a platter for America's most depraved. These Web sites are nothing more than a fix for pedophiles.

Let us be clear. These are not Web sites used for the modeling industry. No child has been hired as a bona fide model. They are only used to exploit these children.

In fact, these web sites are nothing more than gateways to child and adult pornography.

I have recently introduced legislation that would ban these sites once and for all, the Child Modeling Exploitation Act. This bill will not harm legitimate modeling nor families from being able to post photos of their families on the Internet, but the legislation has been carefully crafted to prevent exploiters from being able to use our children as sexual objects for money.

I cant beleive we havent heard anything about this on the boards at all, especially as this is basically saying those child modelling sites are basically gateways to legal porn sites :eek:

Anyway, back to my search to find out what happened with the Childrens Online safety Bill that was going to be voted on today...

