[SPOILER ALERT!] If you haven't watched Wednesday's episode of Lost yet, then don't read any further, 'cuz I don't want to spoil the pivotal plot twist at the end of the show for anyone. I mean it, don't read anymore, or you'll be sorry...

But did anyone else see this, and what do you think of them killing Shannon off??? I have to say, I was pissed about it. I thought the romance heating up between Shannon and Sayid was a nice reprieve from all the screaming and shouting, and I was really beginning to warm up to Shannon. She was introduced as a bitch, but she's really grown as a character over last season and this season. And I really thought it was a cheap stunt that they killed her off the very moment that she finally found even a smidgeon of happiness in her life. I'm going to miss Maggie Grace as well. As a gay man, I have to say, I liked looking at her.

All that said, I did love the twist at the end, when they cut to the tail-end passegers to reveal that is was Anna who shot Shannon. What a doozie of an ending.
