I know from a program owners standpoint they look for someone with good communication skills, some knowledge about the industry and, the ability to generate new affiliates on a regular basis however, what do affiliates look for in their reps?

When talking to affiliate program reps in the past, what has made you think 'wow this person knows what they are doing'?

Likewise, what is something that you dislike about affiliate reps?

I know for me i look for reps that are easy to contact, either through GWW, ICQ, AIM or email, being able to get hold of my rep at the drop of a hat is definately a good thing as far as i am concerned, i dont want to have to wait days (or even weeks) on end to get a reply to a support request about something as simple as changing an email address LOL

So what are your folks thoughts about what makes a GOOD affiliate rep these days?

