When it comes to your business?

I forget who it was but, i was having a conversation with someone a week or so back and meant to ask this question then but got tied up with other stuff, when it comes to running your businesses, do you plan for the long term prior to actually doing anything?

By that i mean, do you go over the potential scenarios that every site you put online could perceivably put you in? Legal, financial, personal, etc?

Im often amazed at how many webmasters in the adult industry put little to no thought in to the stuff they upload on the web. It seems like more and more these days individuals are simply trying to make a quick buck without any forward planning for growth or investment.

So what are your thoughts? Do you forward plan your projects? Do you know what you will be doing in 1 month? 3 months? 6 months time? How about in 5 years time?

Just curious how many of you folks actually have a solid game plan in place when it comes to 'porn'.

