I never watch tv except project runway and some comedy central stuff, but I watched it yesterday for the oscars and today because I was with company, and I cant believe how dirty it got.

Last night I was watching something on nbc and this couple was in bed, the girl was on top and they were grinding and both had a simulated orgasm on tv, RIGHT ON NBC!
I was like wow.

Then on CSI they were talking about a dead woman who maybe was raped, and how she had semen inside her vagina, and that the rapist "probably ran out of condoms and went in bareback."
I was suprised theyd be so graphic on primetime public television.

Last night on the Oscars theyre singing a song about pimps, and said "Bitch" in the song, in front of hundreds of millions of people with lots of families watching.

and I saw a commercial where 2 women are in their backyard and one says to the other "Have you seen my neighbor" and they look over the fence and its a guy, totally naked except some socks and hes got a black square covering his junk, and the women are gasping about how briliantly white his socks are, .

Theres another commercial where a woman is in her closet and cant figure out what to wear, so she decides to just go out to her party and wear nothing and walk around naked, and they show her back and the top of her ass. But I guess thats not so bad.

Jeez remember 9 years ago when Ellen caught shit just for saying "Im gay" on tv? There was such drama over it.

Now people are on tv having orgasms and talking about blowing their loads inside women and naked people on primetime and you never hear anything about it.

Mind you, I dont give a fuck and I'm not complaining, I was just suprised.