Just working on a few new site concepts for Stud Money right now and started wondering about the actual amount of tour pages on the sites themselves, has anyone noticed higher conversions on sites that have a specific amount of tour pages?

What i mean is, a site that has say 1 tour page and a join page, does that convert better for you than a site that has 3 tour pages and a join page or, do you not see a noticable difference?

Ive been looking over various sponsors stats that we use and in all honesty, we dont really see any significant difference between the amount of tour pages and signup we get although, as we all have different sources of traffic i figured i would ask the rest of you to see if you had any stats available that helps you decide which sponsor to send traffic to based on their sites / tours.

So have you noticed if any amount of paysite tour pages seems to convert better for you over another?

