Dear mr/mrs,

Right now you have the domain name

At this moment I am the owner of (european address)
this domain is for sale for only 11.000 EURO (14342,90 US$). If you are interested buying
this domain, please respond within 7 days from now, else the domain
will be sold to someone in the market who wants to pay a market price.

If we come to an agreement the domainname will be transfered with the official
forms of the EURid (

for any questions, you can contact me +31 646065173 or via e-mail
by sending one to

If you are interested in one of the other domains available today (see attatched
word file), please respond asap.

yours faithfully,

Marius Girolami
(the netherlands)
My reply to him?

Hahahaha get the fuck outta here
Some people are just plain crazy LOL

