(Los Angeles, California) Lesbian grandmas Carrie & Elisia Ross-Stone are riding their bikes across America striking a colorful blow for same-sex marriage equality.

The Florida couple married last year near Niagara Falls Canada, where gay marriage is legal, and are pushing to have same-sex marriages recognized in America.

They've peddled across the southern US and were in Bakersfield, California when 365Gay.com spoke with them today. "We're just packing up to set out for the day," said Carrie, 49 from the parking lot of local Walmart store.

They're heading north now, to San Francisco where they'll meet with Assemblyman Mark Leno who has legislation pending to legalize gay marriage in California (story)

"We are angry and frustrated because our government insists that our love for one another is not worthy of honor and respect," says Elisia, 50, who adds, "and that is just plain wrong."

The women have three grown children and are grandmothers to a two-year old.

And, as though riding across the country and back isn't grueling enough, the grannies will join with Marriage Equality California in Golden Gate Park on Sunday, May 2 for a Run to the Altar.

This is the women's second cross country ride for marriage equality. Last year they took the northern route to California.

Each stop they make is an opportunity to talk to people about same-sex marriage, usually in small towns where they become instant celebrities.

On the way home from San Francisco they're scheduled to stop in Reno, Salt Lake City, Ft. Collins, Topeka, St. Louis, Springfield IL, Indianapolis, Columbus, Pittsburgh, New York, Rehoboth Beach and finally Washington DC.

"Hopefully we'll get a good tail wind to make the peddling a bit easier," said Carrie.

You can keep track of their progress on their website http://rainbowlaw.com/newrainbow/html/Rbowride.htm

Haha you gotta love these women for this :groovy:

