Okay so here is a question or perhaps better stated, is a premise.

We all know that as sponsors your goal is to have webmasters promoting your product, which is why in this competitive field most sponsors offer the standard set of banners, odd sized banners, free content, fhgs, and such.

Now the headaches come is that many simply sign up to get their mitts on the free content to use on TGP or MGP and rarely if ever truly promote your website. In fact they may never even make a real sale for you so here is the premise.

What if you tiered the availability of your marketing tools?

Example being say Joe Blow signs up. He has to list a valid website that matches his sign up info so he can be verified that he's the owner of the site. That gets him limited access to free content. Nothing huge or explicit.

Then after he's launched his promotions, he/she has to confirm it with your affiliate manager (like yeah we all got them, :juggle: ) and then after a look see, you then allow him/her to utilize more detailed tools, such as the FHGs and additional free content.

In short, a means of limiting what is provided at the initial sign up to sort of weed out the part timers, or the bull shit artists who say one thing, but have zip to show.

For example I know some sites have clips made available, tons in fact, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to limit who gets to use them? It would keep the market from being flooded so that the real serious webmaster who does work the sites not only gets better material, but gets more of it, and has less competition. It would also get more stuff to be submitted to the various TGPs and MGPs as not every Tom Dick & Harry would have access.

So the question is, why not or better yet, how come it ain't being done or even, should it be done?