Senate GOP Launches New Anti-Gay Attack

Posted: April 26, 2004 12:01 a.m. ET

(Washington, D.C.) In a move gay rights advocates say is a thinly veiled attack on same-sex marriage Senate Republicans this week will begin hearings in four committees to promote traditional marriage.

A Republican Party memo obtained by the AP says that the hearings will represent a "full-court push to educate the public on the importance of marriage."

Kicking off the barrage will be a Health subcommittee's discussion on "Healthy Marriage: What is it and why should we promote it?"

May 5 a Finance subcommittee will take up the issue. A Commerce subcommittee will hold hearings and the full Judiciary committee is expected the resume hearings it began last month (story).

Democrats call it a publicity stunt to garner votes among the nation's largest constituency - heterosexual married couples.

Bruce Cain, professor of political science at the University of California-Berkeley, agrees, calling the GOP motives "transparent."

"The Republican Party believes that since the majority of Americans favor heterosexual marriage, not gay marriage, and since it's an issue the Democratic Party has a somewhat more complicated position on, anything they can do to keep the issue on the front-burner of politics is a plus," said Cain.

But, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa) a longtime foe of same-sex marriage and who will chair a May 5 Finance subcommittee hearing defends the process.

"We have to understand the significance of marriage to society before we go about the process of what happens if we change it," said Santorum.

Winnie Stachelberg, the political director of the Human Rights Campaign, said if the debate is limited to that topic, it could actually help make the case that homosexual marriages could be beneficial for society.

"I believe that through these hearings, one will see there may be certain threats to marriage - divorce being one of them," Stachelberg said. "But one of those things is not gay and lesbian couples seeking to be married."

The proposed amendment to the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage is not on the agenda Republicans say, but the list of people making presentations includes some of the most vocal opponents of gay marriage.
Now I wonder how many gay person, or couples, will be invovled with the commitee?

My best,