Hey everyone,
Firstly I just wanted to say hi. It's been good keeping up with the board and getting to know a few people A few months ago I acquired a site that some of you may have heard of: http://www.themalebox.com. (Hit F5 a few times at the intro page to see the different front ends).

Anyhow, I've been working very hard since then to personally redesign the site from top to bottom. I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions you might have, private or otherwise.

I'm doing my best to put something a little 'different' into each of the videos we'll be producing. That being said, I thought I'd include a pic of our latest model, Eddy at the bottom. Bright eyed and 19 and trying to get into serious bodybuilding

We have an affiliate program hosted at Verotel if anyone is interested. We pay 50/50, and I'd be happy to work with potential affiliates to personalize some sample materials or create a banner, etc.

Anyhow, I've learned a lot here in the forums in a short time. I hope at some point I can be of help to you. My background is 15 years in technical support, so I always try to eat a little computer for breakfast

Or here.