I know this is long. But please take some time to read it. I'm mad as hell an I'm not going to take it anymore!!

With the endless scandals, political corruption, unjust war(s) and lies from our government, why aren't we marching in the streets? Haven't we had enough yet?!

Is it because we don't have enough time to grasp all of the details of a scandal before another even nastier one comes along? For example, we were just starting to understand the Valerie Plame CIA outing scandal then the Jack Abramhoff scandal comes along, then the immigration debate takes over. Now we find out courtesy of USA Today, that if we have SBC/ATT, Verizon or Bell South phone service, the government has a record of EVERY SINGLE PHONE CALL YOU'VE MADE SINCE 9/11. Not to mention the dozens of stories of corruption and lies that fell between these important events.

OH! Don't forget the new tax breaks for the rich. They are going to need those huge tax breaks to pay for the ever increasing price of oil/gas to keep their humongous SUVs on the road.

Katrina... do you remember that disgraceful moment in history? Surprise! Good ol' Brownie took the brunt on that one. Was he to blame? Oh sure, he wasn't qualified for his position. But the blame for that disaster goes all the way to top, with many stops along the way. Will anyone EVER have to answer for the dreadful inaction that caused 1600 deaths? Are you kidding me? Despite all of the misery caused by that awful act of nature someone managed to profit from disaster. And you can follow the dollar all the way to the top on this one too. No bid contracts and cronyism made many friends of Bush/Cheney even richer while our BILLIONS of tax dollars were squandered, pilfered and wasted on ineffective solutions to the problems. And still thousands suffer like citizens of a 3rd world country wracked by natural diaster.

The media... oh the dreadful media, they just skim over the stories like we couldn't possibly understand the complexities. Just hang another shiny "missing white girl story" in front of our faces instead and we'll forget everything else. SHAME ON THEM!

Hey! Did you know that we have 2 wars going on? It's easy to forget since we are barely reminded of that fact. We are fighting the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here. BULL-FUCKING-SHIT! Don't we all believe by now that the ONLY reason why our soldiers are in Iraq is to enrich cronies of this administration?

Iran. Oh god, didn't we make this mistake already? Shouldn't we find the real enemy first before we make up new ones? Where the FUCK is Osama bin Laden! I still want him brought to justice for the 3,000 he murdered on 9/11. Then I want Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Powell brought to justice for the murder of 2,434 American soldiers and countless innocent Iraqi's.

We all love America because of our freedom but if you haven't noticed... WE ARE NO LONGER FREE! Why do we care about the spread of freedom in other lands when we no longer have it at home? Agents from our government can break into your house for NO reason, detain you INDEFINITLY in a foreign land, provide you with no counsel and allow you no communication with the outside world. Don't we invade sovereign nations for just these reason? Right or wrong? Our government does this in the name of "The Patriot Act". Ironic huh? They say they are protecting us from terrorists. REALLY? Then why are our borders and ports so porous? If you were president after 9/11, wouldn't your first priority be to secure our borders and ports?

Now we have mid-term elections coming up in November. Do you think voters will remember the last 6 years of misery and despair when they go to the polls? Probably not. The evil Republican party will bring up old favorite topics, gay marriage, gun control, porn and abortion, to distract the brainwashed masses. Expect your normal, healthy, happy lifestyle to be vilified and demonized once again. This of course will bring the ignorant and frightened out to the polls in record numbers to keep the real evil people in control.

Unfortunately, I have no answers, just questions. My only hope is that the masses come out of their fear induced comas and take to the streets in massive numbers and take our country back... NOW!