What's up with tgp's, mgp's, directories, link lists, lumping anything other than white guy sites into a catch-all "ethnic" category?

Surfers don't search for "ethnic"... they look for what they are seeking....... Latin guys, Black guys, Asian guys, Indian guys, white guys, and variations of the above... but i would venture to say that most anyone into any of the "other than white" guys, would rarely describe their tastes as being "into ethnic guys".

So why don't these websites break it out more to make it more obvious to the surfer what's available? To make traffic more productive for sites listing in their directories in these categories?

From my experience, each of these "ethnicities" have large market potential in the gay communtiy, with Black being the biggest, followed by Latino, Then Asian, and so on...

Not only are webmasters of these listing sites missing further marketing opportunities, but SEO opportunities for each "ethnic" niche, as well as increased surfer interactivity on their site, and more productive traffic for the sites listed in their listings.

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be marketing a niche of Asian men to find that it always seems to get shunted to the "ethnic" room with black, latino and other "of color" races making it so difficult to actually find any sites in my particular niche after wading through pages and pages of unsorted 'ethnic' site listings.

I think it's time that gay men took the time to get to know their community and realize that black men, Latin men, Asian men, are not all the same, and certainly don't deserve the disservice of being lumped into one catch all category.

Take the time to break out your "ethnic" categories, your traffic, your surfers and your submitting webmasters will thank you.