As Happy Athletes from around the world converge on Chicago for the Gay Games they will not be alone. Ex-gay will also be in attendance.

The Truth and Love offensive commandeered by Peter LaBarbera, president of Illinois Family Institute. He's views on gay employment are shared nicely:
Alan Colmes: Should somebody be denied a job simply because they are gay?

Peter Labarbera: Well, Alan, If you believe that homosexuality is a wrong and a changeable behavior, it's called freedom. You should have the right to make a decision...
Oh and he has some interesting hobbies:
He also visits sex clubs and S/M bans in his native Washington, D.C., to gather material for his seven-year,old newsletter, "Lambda Report."
And some kind of persecution complex:
Peter LaBarbera with the Illinois Family Institute says it is apparent that homosexuals have come out of the closet -- but that they want to push Christians into the closet.