Hey everyone... I just wanted to share something exciting with you all...

This weekend my partner and I are celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary together.

A brief history of how we met...

10 years ago, Internet dating wasn't really around yet, so we met the old fashioned way... a personal ad in the local gay newspaper. Ironically we both had ads running at the same time, but his ad caught my eye and I responded to it. We started talking on the phone for a few weeks. It turned out we lived only about 10 minutes away. He was still in college and had a part time job at a Burger King (anything to help pay the bills). I on the other hand had a job where I worked 3rd shift, so I slept during the day. Well one day he calls me at 11AM and wakes me up. I wasn't mad since he didn't know, but it gave me an idea... That night, before I went into my job, I knew he was working at Burger King... So I went over to get dinner and got my first glimpse of him, since we had never seen pics of each other yet. I got in line, and thought how cute he was... When it was finally my turn, I just placed my order and didn't say anything until my food was ready. Finally as I was about to walk away I stopped and said "By the way, thanks for waking me up this morning when you called." He still swears to this day, when he first saw me in line, he had a hunch it was me, but when I actually told him, he was in shock. It was pretty funny and I thought a unique way to meet for the first time.

Well, we then started dating exclusively, and after he graduated college about 9 months later, he moved in with me in the apt I was renting. We stayed there about 5 years, until moving to a townhouse that we also rented. We only stayed there 2 years because the rent was so high and the commute to my new job at XonDemand was over an hour each way. Finally in 2004 we bought our first house together where we live now (and I work from).

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary we are doing two things... We are going down to Atlantic City for the weekend because that is something we both enjoy and it is pretty close by. Hopefully I'll get lucky in the casino, and I better get lucky in the hotel room! Then in a few weeks my best friend is throwing an anniversary party for us. We decided to wait a little until summer is over and more people will be around on the weekend... So the celebration will continue into September!

Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading everything. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that we have been together for 10 years, but unfortunately, I still can't just walk down the street talking about it. But at least I can come to a board like this where I've met some great people and share my happiness with them.

I will not be around Monday since that is our actual Anniversary and we will still be in Atlantic City that day...

So I hope everyone else has a good weekend, I plan to have a fantastic one as I celebrate my 10th Anniversary! :love: :love: :love:

And here's a pic of the two of us taken about a year ago... I'm on the right if you didn't recognize me with hair.