The only reason i ask is that as of late im starting to see a lot more webmasters openly bragging about stealing scripts, downloading music and movies off the net without paying for them and a whole heap of other stuff that, quite frankly, if you said in public you'd end up being arrested for.

Do you think that because we all work in the adult industry, a lot webmasters somehow think they are 'immune' to having any ethics or morals about what is right and wrong?

I realize my ethics and morals may not be the same as yours and vice versa but, when it comes to blatent theft, in an industry rife with shaving, content theft, traffic hijacking etc that is constantly frowned upon in public, you would figure these same people bitching and complaining about the things i just mentioned would have some kind of moral/ethical values that would stop them from stealing shit of others.

Your thoughts? Do a lot of webmasters think they dont need to have any 'values' because they work in the industry or, do you think it is something more than that?

