
just came back from the movies and must say that "Thank you for smoking" is worth watching...

... anyways ...

while walking up and down our shopping street (the streetname is "Zeil") here in Frankfurt, I was approached by two rather handsome guys dressed in dark suits , black tie and a nametag. The boys must've been aged around 20 to 25 years old.

The one guy went like "hi, we are from the curch of Mormons and would like to talk to you about our believes"... this was the point when my BF left to ways about 30feet away...
He went on for like 3 minutes talking about how he feels with god and what the mormons are... I just noticed his nice american accent when he spoke german *drool*
Then he wanted to make out a date by "I would like to give you one of my bibles as a gift - we could meet again here in the city and talk while drinking a cofee" - dude... HOT HOT HOT I Thought....

... I accepted, but I mentioned that I too had something for him - an opportunity to even broaden his horizon... He asked me what it is...

I offered him a bibleswitching-date if I could cast him for my gay-porn-site which he would fit rather well in and he could even make the center model...

.... Hope he calls me back....