Recent news from Australia

More than 20,000 people have signed a petition tabled in the Senate, demanding internet pornography be blocked in all households, schools and public libraries.

In June, the government announced it would offer all households internet filters for their computers, but the opposition says the plan does not go far enough.

Labor wants all internet service providers (ISPs) to offer a "clean feed" internet service to households, schools and public libraries, blocking all websites identified as containing child pornography, acts of extreme violence and X-rated material.

"Labor believes that the government should do everything within its power to protect our kids from exposure to damaging internet content," Stephen Conroy said in a statement.

Senator Conroy presented the petition to the Senate, containing 20,646 signatures which he said supported Labor's plan.

"The petition that I tabled today clearly shows that this view is widely shared in the Australian community," he said.

Now why does this make me think of all the cars having seat belts - but we had to have laws passed to make you use them? Don't they see that self regulation is by far the better solution???