This is a two part question....

1) Do you guys know of anywhere to buy exclusive video content, as in
a scene for DVD release?

We have been working on a video for some time now and our first
release needs one last couples scene before distribution! I hate to
contract out for the last scene, but currently it seems like the best way.

2) Do you guys know of any services for editing video content, in
preparation for release on DVD?

We have lots of great content, but we also have a lot that is better
suited as preview segments and teaser clips. Our editors have worked
miracles especially with one shoot of two 19 year old boyfriends -- they
had about as much electricity between them as the Mormons would use
each day!! I think we are so burnt out trying to put this movie together
that we might be better off seeing what an editing or production service
could come up with...

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer me on this. I have always enjoyed porn, but even more than that I enjoy freedom!! When we built and opened our first website -- I quickly gained a new found respect for everyone in the adult industry!! What the world doesn't realize is that, all this doesn't just happen -- tons of WORK goes into this industry everyday!! Work not only intended to educate and entertain, but to uphold freedom from conventional standards and restrictions, all this while protecting everyone's Constitutional Right's!

