The talk in Tropixxx's thread has me all fired up and I need to vent.

Why should we liberals hold hands with Republicans and sing Kumbaya around the campfire just because the Democrats have won back the Congress? And now that the Dems have power, everyone in the media thinks we should be bipartisan. WHAT?!


The Iraq war...
We went to war for what reason again? We've been lied to since day one. Nearly 3,000 American soldiers have died, nearly 50,000 American non-fatal casualities, and approx. 50,000 civilian deaths just so corporations could profit and Bush could avenge (or embarass) his father.

Gay marriage...
Thanks to the religious conservative agenda we can never marry or have a civil union in 27 states due to state constitutional amendments. When did constitutional amendments start RESTRICTING civil rights?! You can thank the Republican next door for his hate.

Power, Corruption and Lies...
American people are not represented by their Republican Congressmen anymore. So many Americans have lost faith in their government because of the massive corporate corruption that has infected our Congressmen. Corporate profits have soared due to legislation that favors countless industries. Where do these extra profits come from? OUR POCKETS!

And the lying! Swiftboat Vets are just one of many THOUSANDS of lies perpetuated by republicans to maintain their strangle-hold on America. There are just too many others to even start to mention.

The poor keep getting poorer...
And the rich keep getting richer. Yes. it's the same old song and dance. But these past 6 years have been especially brutal on the poor and middle-class. Katrina made glaringly evident the lack of sympathy that the leaders of this country have for the poor. And those tax cuts that we were promised went to the rich... or course. Federal minimum wage hasn't increased in forever. The list goes on and on.

The liberal media...
Everytime you turn on the TV or radio you are bombarded by a religious conservative agenda... family values, christian morals, right to life (abortion, stem cell research and Terri Schiavo but embrace the death penalty) intelligent design (creationism), war on christmas, global warming denial, evil-gays, protect the children, jesus, jesus, jesus, guns, and more jesus. Oh fuck off already and go back to the stone-age!

And since the election, we have to constantly hear about how the dems need to be bipartisan. WHY?! Where was the media when republicans diminished the power of the congressional minority (dems) to non-existant pests? We've been forced to the back of the bus for too long by the republicans. It's time for us to set the agenda and control Congess with OUR values!
