just in the interests of sharing and NOT playing an attorney but I asked our attourny Larry Walters about content that we have on our members area that we simply LINK to, as in we pass the surfer though to it.....

this was my question.."In my members area I have a LINK to purchased video content, the content and images reside on the companies servers that I purchase the feeds from. I have links to the video feeds from my server but no actual images reside on my machine,"

this is what he replied.......

"This is how it works: You are required to keep records for all depictions of actual (and now ‘simulated’) sexually explicit conduct appearing on your website. The way we view this requirement is that records are required if the image appears below your url. The government is not going to care about the technicalities of how the image is served up, or whether it is hot linked, etc. If your website url appears at the top of the page, you are required to have records for anything below that url, if it meets the definition of actual or simulated sexually explicit conduct. If the user is passing through a link to a website owned by someone else, you are not required to maintain records just because you provide the link on your site."

hope this helps people..