Last night i made a small change to the GWW Community announcements and spam section.

From this point onwards, at least for the immediate future, any and all announcements or spam posts that you would like to make on the GWW Community must now be made over at Spam Boards.

As you can see by clicking on the existing announcement and spam section of the community, all users wishing to place or read posts in that area of the board are automatically redirected to Spam Boards.

The benefits to you with this change is as follows:

1) A wider industry reach for your announcements.

As Spam Boards is a property we own that caters to the entire spectrum of the adult industry, not just those individuals marketing to the gay consumer, you are going to have your news and announcements seen by many more eyes, in fact, if you take a look at the first page in any of the specific areas on Spam Boards you will notice that the thread view counts over there are considerably higher than they were on the announcements section of the GWW Community.

2) More targetted views of your announcements.

By giving those in the adult industry a specific place to go to read the latest news and announcements from their industry peers, it also means that you, as a poster on Spam Boards will be able to better target the demographic that you are primarily interested in reaching, for example, if you have a site to sell, you can post it in the buy + sell section of Spam Boards, if you have a hosting offer, you can post it in the hosting area of Spam Boards, if you have content deals going on, you can post it on the content section of Spam Boards, this not only means you are targeting the right type of individuals in the industry, but it also means that the people actively looking to buy or promote the product, site or service you offer are going to the specific areas of Spam Boards increasing your chances at closing a sale.

3) A cleaner GWW Community.

In addition, by focusing all of the attention of news and announcements at their own unique destination, it means that the GWW Community overall will be a much cleaner and more business orientated place for all of us.

In essence, news and announcements posted anywhere on the GWW Community will now be instantly deleted, without exception, no special rules, no favoritism, no exception, this levels the playing field for all of our community members and allows those companies who are actively supporting your community to get their information to you quicker, with more ease, and without having to worry that someone will 'jack' their thread.

Please take a few minutes to aquaint yourselves with Spam Boards and feel free to post any and all news and announcements you may have over there 24/7/365 without having to worry about whether your post will get pulled.

