I had a customer asking for more of a certain type of video (certainly not the first time) and it got me thinking, I'm going to give you the question and then my opinion

Why is it that "cum eating" videos are considered a fetish in the gay adult industry, but on the straight side it's pretty much expected?

My personal opinion is that the reason it's considered a "fetish" and you don't see a lot of it (nothing compared to the straight side) is because such a large percentage of "gay pornstars" are straight. Straight guys in gay porn generally will receive oral and will top, which appears to be not so gay anymore, but to go further than that would be too gay.

While yes there is certainly a higher risk involved for several things that aren't as risky if someone ejaculates on to your chest, that hardly seems to be an issue on the straight side where there are so many more bareback videos compared to condom use videos that they don't even call them bareback, it's just porn.

So anyway I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this