It is one of my New Years resolutions to become more active in Gay Wide Webmasters.

Sorry Lee... my exercising more is number one. Reaching particular earning monthly goals this year is number two. Quitting smoking cigarettes, number three. Somewhere in my mix of resolutions is a promise to read and be more active and comment, even though some may not enjoy my personal opinions.

This after all is meant to be a resource forum, but varied topics of drama, personal insults and even international politics appear seemingly on a regular basis. It has given me interesting reading... but I will NOW respond.

That is my promise to myself and you, this forum.

I look forward to responding to one particular hyper-posting member, that has said "sorry" so many times last year to this board.

Who am I? A very small fish in a extremely large and competitive environment. I have enjoyed reading several of the current gay heavyweights that post occasionally here, or their representatives.

My first ever gay website presented to the interest was back in 1994, using a friend's gay BBS system in South Florida, USA. With only eight dialup telephone connections, my simple site, presenting five photographic images I had taken and scanned, quickly overwhelmed his server.

But that is now the past history. I would venture to guess that 98% of gay men now have high bandwidth connections and are addicted to collecting still photography and downloading video.

Now as to the TOPIC.

I have been lax in educating myself on search engine optimization. Once in the far past, I had ICQ chatted with Darren, known then as the SEO Guru. I don't even know if he is still active and around.

Can anyone point me to some URLS with general info, not secrets, which I can then begin to reeducate myself on the Search Engines. Google remains the power, but I suspect Microsoft will soon arrive with something new. I have heard interactive search will be soon available via Microsoft, alas a woman being modeled and recorded.

Happy New Year to all reading this. I certainly hope all of your dreams come true in 2007, including health and happiness.