This is not really a "fun" kinda post, however from what I've gathered from the "new rules" this is the only place to post/ask the following:

I belong to a few telemark (ski) forums. The members are mostly from places like Colorado, Utah etc.

A question was posed to all, and one of the replies sent me off the deep end:
... it used to be the road homos who had a rep for being snotty ...

I replied with:
road homos- that's just cherry.
What's next? ******, Kyke, Wop, Filthy American Pig Dog...

First off, the term has been used since the early 90's to describe road (not mountain) cyclists, or roadies. When I lived in Wankouver that term was uttered from the lips of many all the time. I hated it then and I still do, so I tried to inform the user that insults as such are not welcomed.
(I am still cleaning-up after all the rotten tomatoes found their way on me.)

Therefore, I ask you this: am I too sensitive to the term?
I have been told that they are merely words, terms or phrases (just like ****** is what I asked - my apologies for the use of that word), but are they ... merely words?

The You're-Too-PC defence was hurled my way, but it (the use of the word homo) has little or nothing to do with political correctness - it is meant to demean ... it is purposely derogatory. PC is a thing of correcting mislabelled & incorrect terms as well removing unintentional insults (cripple, retard etc).

Was I ... am I wrong?

I truly hope this does not, or has not, upset anybody here.