So for the last couple of weeks (on and off) ive been checking out various content providers and how they handle delivery of their 2257 documents for content they sell and i have to admit, im a little perplexed by it all in that there doesnt actually seem to be a 'standard' method of delivering documents, some include them in the content sets themselves, other (including Rainbow Content) offer them as seperate .zip downloads and others mail them out or offer to have them faxed to the customer whilst others simply dont include them at all (DVD content providers).

That being said, i was wondering what everyones preference was so far as delivery of 2257 docs when it came to the content you purchase and, how you like the docs arranged in terms of structure within a content set.

Right now im about to start re-working all of my 2257 delivery on Rainbow Content so that customers only have to download 1 zip file per set instead of the 2 they currently need to (one for the content and one for the docs).

With that in mind i think im going to use a directory structure like this..


In essence, you get a zip file, which contains a directory for the images (and thumbs within that directory) and a directory for the 2257 docs.

Do you think there should be a 'standard' that content providers use when it comes to delivering their 2257 docs and, if so, do you think containing the docs in a seperate directory inside the content set would be enough?

