As much as I love watching cartoons, I have to admit that the story lines behind the Family Guy cartoon series on Fox is a bit troubling to me. I never realized how much sexual inuendo was involved in the story lines in that show until tonight's episode. During the show however, there was a segment on an older man in the neighborhood who is a ********* and he tries to seduce the neighbor kids, including the paper boy. The comments he made, the jokes making light of his actions throughout the sketch seem a bit out of character with society's view of pedophiles.. Frankly I was a bit shocked that it has not caused any uproar over this portion of the show.

Am I just misinterpreting an irreverant view of life in the neighborhood on the Family Guy show? Am I reading into this the wrong way?

Did anyone else watch this show or am I the only strange one here that watches all the Fox Cartoons?