February 21, 1999. Shortly after closing time, I was arrested for drunk driving. And it was not the first time, but it was the first time I was arrested while serving as an elected county attorney. My arrest made national news, and on the 23rd I checked myself into an in-patient treatment center. February 22, 1999 was the first day I did not have a drink. February 22, 2007 makes eight years without a drink.

Part of what keeps me sober is letting everybody know that I am an alcoholic and that I am happy staying sober. It makes all those open-bar parties easy when I don’t have to explain why I really just want a Diet Coke. I have already used up my life quota of booze!

It is hard to explain how much better my life has been being sober! I came out of the closet, I moved from Iowa to Phoenix, I found a career I love and have a wonderful life. It does happen. I was a raging alcoholic and ashamed of myself. Now I am happy, healthy and enjoying it all!

A few links to the past~



