So this is kind of an irrelevant topic, but someone here may be able to help me.

Yesterday I received a call from my old credit union in my old home town. I still have a few accounts with them and I have no intentions of closing them. I keep a visa card open with them with a very small limit on it… just for emergencies. I literally have NOT used the card in over a year, which is why I received this call. Their visa advisor called me to verify some recent “unusual” activity. None of which was mine so I told her to block the cards through their and send me new ones…

Well, get this. One of the charges made was to a which bills through CCBILL Is there anyway to obtain info from them??? (there have been tons of other charges and I have found out that they have more than just my card numbers… they have almost all my info… I am SOOO SCARED)

We were also able to locate the IP address of the computer that they made the purchase from… is there any way to search those??? Like a directory???

I was just wondering if ANYONE has any information that they could obtain to help me with this situation.

I have to fill out the “fraud protection” paperwork, etc., etc. but I need info to take to the police.

I am really frustrated right now, because I am a struggling student trying to survive, not very well on my feet in the world yet, I graduate in 8 weeks, and it’s just not what I need right now… There is no way in hell I would be able to pay these off right now…

So, if anyone has any Info or can help me in any way it would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Sky