(CBN News) - Australian homosexuals are marrying in Canada with hopes of having those unions accepted Down Under. But Prime Minister John Howard and the Australian Parliament have other plans.
Howard is backing new legislation to ban gay marriages and immigration rules to keep same-sex couples from adopting overseas children.

Howard said, "Well, I'm against gay adoption, just as I'm against gay marriage. I'm a social conservative. I think there are certain benchmark institutions and arrangements in our society that you don't muck around with. Children should be brought up ideally by a mother and a father who are married. That's the ideal."

Howard previously has said he believes marriages are for the continuation of the human race.

Homosexual rights activist Rob McGrory claims Howard is mimicking George W. Bush to get votes. "What we've seen to date is John Howard tends to borrow the tactics of George Bush, and that's exactly what he's done here in an attempt to try and win votes."

If enacted, the move will confine marriage to one man and one woman, and not allow gays to marry elsewhere and have it considered a union in Australia.


That sucks for Australians

Does anyone have any udated news on this?

