Well, I was all excited about getting into the gay online industry at the start of the year, and then between my 9-5 job and working on my house, and trying to get all of this new stuff figured out, I got kinda overwhelmed and discouraged and busy.

I ended up buying a bunch of domain names, and content (from Ounique). Basically only built one site, but didn't really do much with it, so needless to say it hasn't done anything for me...

So, I'm looking for any advive you all might offer on what to do. Maybe some "baby steps" I can take, as to not get overwhelmed? I am still interested in the biz, but need to take smaller bites this time.

Turbo (Ryan)

PS - I chatted with several of you very nice people back in Jan/Feb, if you remember me and want to say hi, please do.