Hi guys!
My name is Nadya and I’m a new TopBucks account representative.
A few things about myself:
I am 20 years old and live in Belarus, and No that is not Russia like you may think - just google it.
I'm in university and impatently look forward to graduating. I love music, play the Piano, work out and generally just like to have fun. I love my job because it is all about having fun while doing serious work. I'm social and love to interact and meet new people.
I should say that I’m new to this board but not new to the Adult biz and I can be very helpful
I’m glad to be in such a team and willing to use all my skills and creativity to do what I’m here for – make money.
I think that’s it for now. If anybody has any questions – you are welcome to contact me on ICQ or post them right here.