Lets say you promote a sponsor that has a bunch of sites in their program and that 2 of the sites arent making the program any money, despite a few sales happening each day to the sites in question.

in this instance, do you think the sponsor would be justified in closing down the sites or, should they keep the sites open and just launch different sites in those niches to the ones that the sites are going to be closed in and hope that affiliates swap their links out to the newer sites?

Looking at this from an affiliates standpoint, i can certainly see why keeping the existing sites in the programs portfolio would be the ideal situation, especially if i was an affiliate that made regular sales to one of these sites however, from the viewpoint of a program owner, i can also see why closing down the site would be the ideal situation and how just redierecting the traffic to one of the 'newer' sites would be a good resolve.

Just curious what the rest of you folks, ive been hearing talk that a fairly large straight program is considering closing down a bunch of their sites to make way for 'new' sites they are getting ready to launch and i was wondering what the general concensus was on this, should the program remove the existing sites from their portfolio completely or keep them open in addition to the newer sites they are going to be launching?

