A word of warning. This "young photographer" from the Czech Republic and his partner took myself and another webmaster for over $2000 without providing the content we ordered.
These are the risks of dealing with foreign content providers.
But I would like to help keep it from happening to any other webmasters. The guys go as "Male Discovery"...the primary guy is Robert Hruby and his email is radakt@seznam.cz. BE VERY AWARE that these people will rip you off!

I am taking this situation up with the authorities in the Czech Republic incidentally but they will continue to do this until such time as the authorities get involved.

In the event that they change their name or email...a typical introductory email from them will probably sound a lot like the one we got:

Hello there,

we are young photographers from Prague, czech republic,and would like to suply your sites with our exclusive models. We are sending some infos about how we are working.....

shooting with DSLR Nikon cameras, indoor under studio lights, 300dpi, 3008x2000 res. pics and vids with miniDV camcorders in NTSC.

- our pricing depends on several conditions, we could negotiate the prices.

Each photo and video session we provide with signed model release, copy of models passports and picture of model holding his passport next to his face.

To deliver finished sessions, we are mostly using fedex courier services(pics on cd-rom or dvd, original miniDV tapes and documentations) or can use ftp of the customer or our ftp server, to upload the pics along with scanned copies of model releases and idīs.

Our model database is upadeted regullary, we could quarantee new models every week.