Finally, the adult industry is responding the blight of video piracy:

For Immediate Release


Appoints Industry Veteran Caryn Goldberg as Interim Executive Director

Los Angeles, CA, July 10, 2007—Leaders in the adult entertainment industry are banding together to form an independent, not-for-profit trade organization, the Global Anti-Piracy Agency (GAPA), to work on behalf of the industry to combat theft of intellectual property.

Millions of illegal downloads from file sharing networks, pirate servers, websites and hacked computers, as well as illegally duplicated DVDs sold through auction and other websites, cost adult industry producers, distributors, retailers and VOD providers an estimated $2 billion a year in revenue. By identifying and stopping intellectual property thieves and taking legal action against them; by lobbying U.S. and international government bodies to put in place, strengthen and/or enforce piracy laws; and by educating industry members and consumers about the impact of piracy, GAPA will fight back.

Spearheading the cause is Eric Johnson, President of Sureflix Digital Distribution, Inc., parent company of the Maleflixxx global VOD network. Johnson, who is serving as Chairman of the Board of GAPA, said, "Sureflix is committed to providing initial and ongoing support to enable the long-term survival of the organization. We're looking to members of the adult industry for organizational and financial support to ensure that GAPA becomes an effective and independent organization. Towards that end, we've appointed Caryn Goldberg, a well-respected leader in the adult entertainment industry, as Interim Executive Director."

GAPA has filed for non-profit status with the IRS and will be setting up permanent offices and staff in Los Angeles this summer. An independent Board of Directors will oversee operations and an annual budget, which will be raised through member contributions.

Goldberg, formerly President and Publisher of gay adult entertainment powerhouse, SpecPub, Inc., said, "Adult content producers, distributors, retailers and online providers are facing an inescapable truth. Piracy not only affects sales volume, it puts downward pressure on the price consumers are willing to pay for adult content. GAPA will be the adult entertainment industry's watchdog. We'll fight piracy at every level."

For more information about GAPA, contact Caryn Goldberg, Interim Executive Director, at 818-287-8383.