I like to learn new things and found basic learning on most things slightly advanced and set up for people who already know the basics.


The other day I was looking up a few things and ran into a free program for teaching KIDS to program. Like a Sesame Street of Programming.


The program is FREE and used in schools to train kids on RUBY.

RUBY is an older programming language BUT with the advent of Rails, it's very web 2.0 and because of the simple code, is growing in use.

And example ALL ruby on rails site: http://www.yellowpages.com

The program has 7 tutorials (note there is a typo in the youtube grabber tutorial and their forum has the fix) But the blog tutorial teaches you how to build a blog with 5 lines of code. WTF!

Anyway - it's a good start if you've been looking for a place to jump in.