Hi all,

I just wanted to send out a big thanks to Lee (and everyone associated with this board really, but especially to Lee because he goes above and beyond to help everyone out).

The advice and help that I get here is invaluable. I don't know where I'd be without it. I try to put as much back as I can, but most times I feel I take more than I'm able to give.

I've just been looking through my logs and noticed a lot of traffic coming from a Japanese site. I clicked the link and the mo-fo was hotlinking my preview images. So, with Lee's help from an e-mail a couple of weeks ago, I applied a new htaccess rule, uploaded, and presto, this Japanese thief is now serving broken links.

So thanks again Lee and Gary, this board is an invaluable resource to us all.

Question: How much time do you all spend looking over your logs? With everything I have to do, sometimes I don't get to them at all, but after noticing this thief (and I've found others in the past) I'm tending to think I'd better make this a daily thing.
